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Gene : bun D. melanogaster

Secondary Identifier  ? CG42281 DB identifier  ? FBgn0259176
Organism Name  Drosophila melanogaster Name  ? bunched
  • synonyms:
  • 1550,
  • FBgn0051857,
  • Bunched,
  • EP(2)0488,
  • l(2)rI043,
  • short sighted,
  • Dm_2L:60722,
  • bnc,
  • CG42281,
  • l(2)05479,
  • FBgn0259176,
  • CG31857,
  • FBan0005461,
  • FBgn0014385,
  • shs,
  • l(2)k02903,
  • FBgn0011724,
  • FBgn0010670,
  • l(2)00255,
  • short-sighted,
  • FBgn0010460,
  • l(2)02687,
  • FBan0031857,
  • CG5461,
  • shortsighted,
  • TSC-22,
  • Bun,
  • Tsc22,
  • l(2)06475,
  • BunA

Sequence Feature Displayer

Disease Displayer


Gene Ontology Displayer

0 Pathways

51 RNAi Results

Gene --> Pathway

Gene --> Alleles


Gene Structure Displayer

J Browse Displayer

Overlapping Features Displayer

Publication Counts Displayer

14 Proteins

Gene --> Regulatory elements


Drosophila Homologue Displayer

Homologue Displayer


Fly Atlas Displayer

Fly Base Expression Displayer

6 mRNA Expression Results

Gene --> BDGP in situ data


Regulatory Regions Displayer

Gene --> Regulatory elements

TranscriptionFactor --> Genes that have binding sites for this factor


Cytoscape Network Displayer



216 Clones

2 Cross References

15 Data Sets

0 Diseases

1 Downstream Intergenic Region

0 Located Features

0 miRNA Targets

16 Ontology Annotations

1 Organism

1 Upstream Intergenic Region