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Gene : Tlk D. melanogaster

Secondary Identifier  ? CG34412 DB identifier  ? FBgn0283657
Organism Name  Drosophila melanogaster Name  ? Tousled-like kinase
  • synonyms:
  • FBgn0283657,
  • anon-WO03040301.114,
  • EP1408,
  • GH17330,
  • FBan0032781,
  • CG2829,
  • BcDNA:GH07910,
  • FBgn0043460,
  • EP(X)1413,
  • FBan0012462,
  • FBgn0053219,
  • Tousled like kinase,
  • FBgn0085441,
  • FBgn0052782,
  • CG33219,
  • FBgn0086899,
  • BEST:GH17330,
  • anon-WO03040301.116,
  • CG34412,
  • TLK,
  • FBgn0052781,
  • CG32782,
  • FBgn0026698,
  • l(1)G0054,
  • FBgn0062688,
  • FBgn0066856,
  • EP1413,
  • FBan0032782,
  • EP(X)1408,
  • FBgn0028489,
  • tousled-like kinase,
  • CG12462,
  • dtlk,
  • CG32781,
  • FBgn0086709,
  • FBgn0029675,
  • FBgn0066855

Sequence Feature Displayer

Disease Displayer


Gene Ontology Displayer

0 Pathways

85 RNAi Results

Gene --> Pathway

Gene --> Alleles


Gene Structure Displayer

J Browse Displayer

Overlapping Features Displayer

Publication Counts Displayer

9 Proteins

Gene --> Regulatory elements


Drosophila Homologue Displayer

Homologue Displayer


Fly Atlas Displayer

Fly Base Expression Displayer

6 mRNA Expression Results

Gene --> BDGP in situ data


Regulatory Regions Displayer

Gene --> Regulatory elements

TranscriptionFactor --> Genes that have binding sites for this factor


Cytoscape Network Displayer



106 Clones

2 Cross References

14 Data Sets

0 Diseases

1 Downstream Intergenic Region

0 Located Features

0 miRNA Targets

21 Ontology Annotations

1 Organism

1 Upstream Intergenic Region