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Publication : Kinetic analysis of Drosophila Vnd protein containing homeodomain with its target sequence.

First Author  Yoo Siuk Year  2010
Journal  BMB Rep Volume  43
Pages  407-12 PubMed ID  20587330
Abstract Text  Homeodomain (HD) is a highly conserved DNA-binding domain composed of helix-turn-helix motif. Drosophila Vnd (Ventral nervous system defective) containing HD acts as a regulator to either enhance or suppress gene expression upon binding to its target sequence. In this study, kinetic analysis of Vnd binding to DNA was performed. The result demonstrates that DNA-binding affinity of the recombinant protein containing HD and NK2-specific domain (NK2-SD) was higher than that of the full-length Vnd. To access whether phosphorylation sites within HD and NK2-SD affect the interaction of the protein with the target sequence, alanine substitutions were introduced. The result shows that S631A mutation within NK2-SD does not contribute significantly to the DNA-binding affinity. However, S571A and T600A mutations within HD showed lower affinity for DNA binding. In addition, DNA-binding analysis using embryonic nuclear protein also demonstrates that Vnd interacts with other nuclear proteins, suggesting the existence of Vnd as a complex. Doi  10.5483/bmbrep.2010.43.6.407
Issue  6 Month  Jun

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