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Publication : Structural and functional features of Drosophila chorion proteins s36 and s38 from analysis of primary structure and infrared spectroscopy.

First Author  Hamodrakas S J Year  1989
Journal  Int J Biol Macromol Volume  11
Pages  307-13 PubMed ID  2489096
Abstract Text  Amino acid composition, Fourier transform analysis and secondary structure prediction methods strongly support a tripartite structure for Drosophila chorion proteins s36 and s38. Each protein consists of a central domain and two flanking 'arms'. The central domain contains tandemly repetitive peptides, which apparently generate a secondary structure of beta-sheet strands alternating with beta-turns, most probably, forming a twisted beta-pleated sheet or beta-barrel. The central domains of s36 and s38 share similarities, but they are recognizably different. The flanking 'arms', with different primary and secondary structure features, presumably serve protein-specific functions. The possible roles of the protein domains for the establishment of higher order structure in Drosophila chorion and the possible function of the molecules are discussed. The predicted secondary structure of Drosophila chorion proteins s36 and s38 is supported by experimental information obtained from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies of Drosophila chorions. Doi  10.1016/0141-8130(89)90025-1
Issue  5 Month  Oct

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