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Publication : The characterization of chromosome breaks in Drosophila melanogaster. I. Mass isolation of deficiencies which have an end point in the 14A-15A region.

First Author  Falk D R Year  1984
Journal  Mutat Res Volume  126
Pages  25-34 PubMed ID  6422287
Abstract Text  A total of 2.7 X 10(6) chromosomes have been screened for deficiencies that extend into some portion of the 14A-15A segment of the X-chromosome. Mutants have been identified on the basis of their paralysis at high temperature (the para ts phenotype) in a stock which contains a para ts allele on the X-chromosome and a para+ allele on the Dp(1;4)r+f+ chromosome. Several hundred mutants have been genetically characterized and a large percentage are deficiencies. Cytological characterization of a sub-set suggests that breakpoints are distributed throughout the 14B-15A region, but in a non-random fashion. Doi  10.1016/0027-5107(84)90166-0
Issue  1 Month  Mar

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