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Publication : Death by design: mechanism and control of apoptosis.

First Author  Song Z Year  1999
Journal  Trends Cell Biol Volume  9
Pages  M49-52 PubMed ID  10611682
Abstract Text  Active cellular suicide by apoptosis plays important roles in animal development, tissue homeostasis and a wide variety of diseases, including cancer, AIDS, stroke and many neurodegenerative disorders. A central step in the execution of apoptosis is the activation of an unusual class of cysteine proteases, termed caspases, that are widely expressed as inactive zymogens. Originally, the mechanisms for regulating the caspase-based cell death programme seemed to be different in Caenorhabditis elegans, mammals and insects. However, recent results suggest that these apparent differences in the control of cell death reflect our incomplete knowledge, rather than genuine mechanistic differences between different organisms. Issue  12
Month  Dec

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