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Publication : Developmental expression, co-localization and genetic interaction of exocyst component Sec15 with Rab11 during Drosophila development.

First Author  Bhuin Tanmay Year  2019
Journal  Exp Cell Res Volume  381
Pages  94-104 PubMed ID  31071318
Abstract Text  Sec15, a component of an evolutionarily conserved octomeric exocyst complex, has been identified as an interactor of GTP-bound Rab11 in mammals and Drosophila which shows its role in secretion in yeast and intracellular vesicle transport. Here, we report the expression patterns of Drosophila Sec15 (DSec15) transcript and Sec15 protein during Drosophila development. At early embryonic stages, a profound level of maternally loaded DSec15 transcript and protein is found. At cellular blastoderm cells (stage 5 embryos); the expression is seen in pole cells, apical membrane and sub-apical region. The transcript is predominantly accumulated in mesoderm, tracheal pits, gut, LE cells, trachea, and ventral nerve cord as development proceeds. While, a robust expression of Sec15 is seen in amnioserosa (AS), lateral epidermis (LAE), developing trachea, gut, ventral nerve cord and epithelial cells. During larval development, the transcript is also found in all imaginal discs with a distinguished accumulation in the morphogenetic furrow of eye disc, gut, proventriculus and gastric ceacae, garland cells/nephrocytes, malpighian tubules, ovary and testis. Further, we show that Sec15 co-localizes with Rab11 during Drosophila embryonic and larval development. Finally, using a genetic approach, we demonstrate that Sec15 interacts with Rab11 in producing blister during Drosophila wing development. Doi  10.1016/j.yexcr.2019.04.038
Issue  1 Month  08

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