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Publication : Glia dictate pioneer axon trajectories in the Drosophila embryonic CNS.

First Author  Hidalgo A Year  2000
Journal  Development Volume  127
Pages  393-402 PubMed ID  10603355
Abstract Text  Whereas considerable progress has been made in understanding the molecular mechanisms of axon guidance across the midline, it is still unclear how the axonal trajectories of longitudinal pioneer neurons, which never cross the midline, are established. Here we show that longitudinal glia of the embryonic Drosophila CNS direct formation of pioneer axon pathways. By ablation and analysis of glial cells missing mutants, we demonstrate that glia are required for two kinds of processes. Firstly, glia are required for growth cone guidance, although this requirement is not absolute. We show that the route of extending growth cones is rich in neuronal cell bodies and glia, and also in long processes from both these cell types. Interactions between neurons, glia and their long processes orient extending growth cones. Secondly, glia direct the fasciculation and defasciculation of axons, which pattern the pioneer pathways. Together these events are essential for the selective fasciculation of follower axons along the longitudinal pathways. Issue  2
Month  Jan

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