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Publication : The Drosophila ribosomal protein L14-encoding gene, identified by a novel Minute mutation in a dense cluster of previously undescribed genes in cytogenetic region 66D.

First Author  Saebøe-Larssen S Year  1997
Journal  Mol Gen Genet Volume  255
Pages  141-51 PubMed ID  9236770
Abstract Text  The Minute phenotype results from mutations at >50 loci scattered throughout the genome of Drosophila. Common traits of the Minute phenotype are short and thin bristles, slow development, and recessive lethality. Here, we report a novel P-element induced Minute mutation, P¿lacW¿ M(3)66D1, that maps to region 66D on chromosome 3L. Flies heterozygous for P¿lacW¿ M(3)66D1 have a strong Minute phenotype. Molecular characterisation of the chromosomal region revealed three previously undescribed Drosophila genes clustered within a 5-kb genomic fragment. Two of the genes have significant sequence homology to genes for the mammalian ribosomal proteins L14 and RD, respectively, and share a joint 240-bp promoter region harbouring the P-element insert. Quantitative Northern blot analyses showed the mutation to affect RPL14 mRNA levels only. Interestingly, the reduction in abundance of RPL14 mRNA is not constitutive, indicating that the promoter function abolished by the inserted P-element is utilised with different efficiencies in different developmental situations. Remobilisation of the P element produced wild-type flies with normal levels of RPL14 mRNA, demonstrating that the mutant phenotype is caused by the insertion. P¿lacW¿ M(3)66D1 joins a growing list of Minute mutations associated with ribosomal protein-haploinsufficiency. Doi  10.1007/s004380050482
Issue  2 Month  Jun

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