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Publication : Identification of Drosophila mutant with memory defects after acquisition of conditioned reflex suppression of courtship.

First Author  Kamyshev N G Journal  Neurosci Behav Physiol
Volume  30 Pages  307-13
PubMed ID  10970024 Abstract Text  Four lines were selected from a collection of 33 lines prepared by P insertion mutagenesis using a single-copy P-element system; the males of these four lines showed memory defects after acquisition of conditioned reflex suppression of courting. In two lines (P171 and P95), the dynamics of retention of the conditioned reflex in the repeated impregnated-female courting test were similar to those of known short-term memory mutants dnc and rut. In line P153, the dynamics were more reminiscent of the memory dynamics in a known medium-term memory mutant, amn. In line P124, the learning index was insignificant immediately after training was completed, which may indicate that this line was unable to acquire conditioned reflex suppression of courting. Determination of the positions of the P elements (P171: 48A-B; P153: 49B-C; P124: 67B-68A; P95: 77C-D) showed no correspondence with previously known mutations producing memory lesions.
Doi  10.1007/BF02471783 Issue  3

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