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Publication : Mitochondrial dynamics regulates Drosophila intestinal stem cell differentiation.

First Author  Deng Hansong Year  2018
Journal  Cell Death Discov Volume  4
Pages  17 PubMed ID  30062062
Abstract Text  opa1RNAi) ISCs contain less mitochondrial membrane potential, reduced ATP, and increased ROS level. Surprisingly, suppressing fusion also resulted in the failure of progenitor cells to differentiate. Cells did not switch on the expression of differentiation markers, and instead continued to show characteristics of progenitor cells. Meanwhile, proliferation or apoptosis was unaffected. The differentiation defect could be rescued by concomitant inhibition of Drp1, a mitochondrial fission molecule. Moreover, ROS scavenger also partially rescues opa1RNAi-associated differentiation defects via down-regulating JNK activity. We propose that mitochondrial fusion plays a pivotal role in controlling the developmental switch of stem cell fate. Doi  10.1038/s41420-018-0083-0

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