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Publication : Bruno inhibits the expression of mitotic cyclins during the prophase I meiotic arrest of Drosophila oocytes.

First Author  Sugimura Isamu Year  2006
Journal  Dev Cell Volume  10
Pages  127-35 PubMed ID  16399084
Abstract Text  Animal oocytes undergo a highly conserved developmental arrest in prophase of meiosis I. The maintenance of the prophase I arrest requires the silencing of Cdk1 activity. Drosophila oocytes inhibit the accumulation of the mitotic cyclins, the activating subunits of Cdk1, via a poorly defined posttranscriptional mechanism. Here, we demonstrate that the translational repressor Bruno binds the 3' UTR and inhibits the translation of the mitotic cyclin Cyclin A during prophase of meiosis I. In the absence of Bruno, ovarian cysts enter meiosis but rapidly accumulate high levels of mitotic cyclins and return to the mitotic cycle. Based on our results, we propose a model in which Bruno and the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome act together to restrict the accumulation of the mitotic cyclins, and thus Cdk1 activity, during the prophase I arrest of the Drosophila oocyte. Doi  10.1016/j.devcel.2005.10.018
Issue  1 Month  Jan

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