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Publication : Drosophila.

First Author  Zhao Peng Year  2021
Journal  iScience Volume  24
Pages  102819 PubMed ID  34381963
Abstract Text  Ire1deficiency leads to increased lipid mobilization and sensitizes flies to starvation, whereas fat body Ire1 overexpression results in the opposite phenotypes. Genetic interaction and biochemical analyses revealed that Ire1 regulates lipid mobilization by promoting Xbp1s-associated FoxO degradation and suppressing FoxO-dependent lipolytic programs. Our results demonstrate that Ire1 is a catabolic sensor and acts through the Xbp1s-FoxO axis to hamper the lipolytic response during chronic food deprivation. These findings offer new insights into the conserved Ire1 regulation of lipid homeostasis. Doi  10.1016/j.isci.2021.102819
Issue  8 Month  Aug

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