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Publication : Drosophila p38 MAPK interacts with BAG-3/starvin to regulate age-dependent protein homeostasis.

First Author  Ryan Sarah M Year  2021
Journal  Aging Cell Volume  20
Pages  e13481 PubMed ID  34674371
Abstract Text  As organisms age, they often accumulate protein aggregates that are thought to be toxic, potentially leading to age-related diseases. This accumulation of protein aggregates is partially attributed to a failure to maintain protein homeostasis. A variety of genetic factors have been linked to longevity, but how these factors also contribute to protein homeostasis is not completely understood. In order to understand the relationship between aging and protein aggregation, we tested how a gene that regulates lifespan and age-dependent locomotor behaviors, p38 MAPK (p38Kb), influences protein homeostasis as an organism ages. We find that p38Kb regulates age-dependent protein aggregation through an interaction with starvin, a regulator of muscle protein homeostasis. Furthermore, we have identified Lamin as an age-dependent target of p38Kb and starvin. Doi  10.1111/acel.13481
Issue  11 Month  11

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