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Publication : Phosphatidylserine synthase regulates cellular homeostasis through distinct metabolic mechanisms.

First Author  Yang Xiao Year  2019
Journal  PLoS Genet Volume  15
Pages  e1008548 PubMed ID  31869331
Abstract Text  Phosphatidylserine (PS), synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by phosphatidylserine synthase (PSS), is transported to the plasma membrane (PM) and mitochondria through distinct routes. The in vivo functions of PS at different subcellular locations and the coordination between different PS transport routes are not fully understood. Here, we report that Drosophila PSS regulates cell growth, lipid storage and mitochondrial function. In pss RNAi, reduced PS depletes plasma membrane Akt, contributing to cell growth defects; the metabolic shift from phospholipid synthesis to neutral lipid synthesis results in ectopic lipid accumulation; and the reduction of mitochondrial PS impairs mitochondrial protein import and mitochondrial integrity. Importantly, reducing PS transport from the ER to PM by loss of PI4KIIIα partially rescues the mitochondrial defects of pss RNAi. Together, our results uncover a balance between different PS transport routes and reveal that PSS regulates cellular homeostasis through distinct metabolic mechanisms. Doi  10.1371/journal.pgen.1008548
Issue  12 Month  12

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