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Publication : Contribution of sequence variation in Drosophila actins to their incorporation into actin-based structures in vivo.

First Author  Röper Katja Year  2005
Journal  J Cell Sci Volume  118
Pages  3937-48 PubMed ID  16105877
Abstract Text  Actin is a highly conserved protein important for many cellular functions including motility, contraction in muscles and intracellular transport. Many eukaryotic genomes encode multiple actin protein isoforms that differ from each other by only a few residues. We addressed whether the sequence differences between actin paralogues in one species affect their ability to integrate into the large variety of structures generated by filamentous actin. We thus ectopically expressed all six Drosophila actins as fusion proteins with green fluorescent protein (GFP) in a variety of embryonic, larval and adult fly tissues. We found that each actin was able to integrate into most actin structures analysed. For example, in contrast to studies in mammalian cells, the two Drosophila cytoplasmic actins were incorporated into muscle sarcomeres. However, there were differences in the efficiency with which each actin was incorporated into specific actin structures. The most striking difference was observed within the Z-lines of the sarcomeres: one actin was specifically excluded and we mapped this feature to one or both of two residues within the C-terminal half of the protein. Thus, in Drosophila, the primary sequence of different actins does affect their ability to incorporate into actin structures, and so specific GFPactins may be used to label certain actin structures particularly well. Doi  10.1242/jcs.02517
Issue  Pt 17 Month  Sep

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