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Publication : Germline cysts: a conserved phase of germ cell development?

First Author  Pepling M E Year  1999
Journal  Trends Cell Biol Volume  9
Pages  257-62 PubMed ID  10370240
Abstract Text  Germ cells in many vertebrate and invertebrate species initiate gametogenesis by forming groups of interconnected cells known as germline cysts. Recent studies using Xenopus, mouse and Drosophila are beginning to uncover the cellular and molecular mechanisms that control germline cyst formation and, in conjunction with morphological evidence, suggest that the process is highly conserved during evolution. This article discusses these recent findings and argues that cysts play an important and general role in germ line development. Doi  10.1016/s0962-8924(99)01594-9
Issue  7 Month  Jul

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