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Publication : Perturbation of the Akt/Gsk3-β signalling pathway is common to Drosophila expressing expanded untranslated CAG, CUG and AUUCU repeat RNAs.

First Author  van Eyk Clare L Year  2011
Journal  Hum Mol Genet Volume  20
Pages  2783-94 PubMed ID  21518731
Abstract Text  Recent evidence supports a role for RNA as a common pathogenic agent in both the 'polyglutamine' and 'untranslated' dominant expanded repeat disorders. One feature of all repeat sequences currently associated with disease is their predicted ability to form a hairpin secondary structure at the RNA level. In order to investigate mechanisms by which hairpin-forming repeat RNAs could induce neurodegeneration, we have looked for alterations in gene transcript levels as hallmarks of the cellular response to toxic hairpin repeat RNAs. Three disease-associated repeat sequences--CAG, CUG and AUUCU--were specifically expressed in the neurons of Drosophila and resultant common transcriptional changes assessed by microarray analyses. Transcripts that encode several components of the Akt/Gsk3-β signalling pathway were altered as a consequence of expression of these repeat RNAs, indicating that this pathway is a component of the neuronal response to these pathogenic RNAs and may represent an important common therapeutic target in this class of diseases. Doi  10.1093/hmg/ddr177
Issue  14 Month  Jul

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