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Publication : Recognition of a bicoid mRNA localization signal by a protein complex containing Swallow, Nod, and RNA binding proteins.

First Author  Arn Eric A Year  2003
Journal  Dev Cell Volume  4
Pages  41-51 PubMed ID  12530962
Abstract Text  Localization of mRNAs, a process essential for embryonic body patterning in Drosophila, requires recognition of cis-acting signals by cellular components responsible for movement and anchoring. We have purified a large multiprotein complex that binds a minimal form of the bicoid mRNA localization signal in a manner both specific and sensitive to inactivating mutations. Identified complex components include the RNA binding proteins Modulo, PABP, and Smooth, the known localization factor Swallow, and the kinesin family member Nod. We demonstrate that localization of bcd mRNA is defective in modulo mutants. The presence of three required localization components (Swallow, Modulo, and specific RNA binding activity) within the recognition complex strongly implicates it in mRNA localization. Doi  10.1016/s1534-5807(02)00397-0
Issue  1 Month  Jan

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