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Publication : Stable intercellular bridges in development: the cytoskeleton lining the tunnel.

First Author  Robinson D N Year  1996
Journal  Trends Cell Biol Volume  6
Pages  474-9 PubMed ID  15157506
Abstract Text  A wide variety of intercellular junctions that are involved with cell adhesion or signal transduction have been described in recent years. A widespread but less well-characterized type of intercellular junction is the stable intercellular bridge. Several organisms use stable intercellular bridges as cytoplasmic connections, probably to allow rapid transfer of information and organelles between cells. Here, the authors take a detailed look at the assembly of intercellular bridges called ring canals in the Drosophila germline and discuss how examination of mutants that disrupt Drosophila ovarian ring canal assembly indicates that these bridges are required for intercellular transport of cytoplasm. Doi  10.1016/0962-8924(96)84945-2
Issue  12 Month  Dec

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