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Publication : [Attachment of polytene chromosomes to the nuclear envelope in ovarian pseudonurse cells in Drosophila melanogaster].

First Author  Sharakhov I V Year  1997
Journal  Genetika Volume  33
Pages  189-95 PubMed ID  9162695
Abstract Text  Certain aspects of the polytene chromosome attachment to the nuclear envelope (NE) of ovarian pseudonurse cells (PNC) in the mutant strains otu11 and fs(2) B of Drosophila melanogaster were studied. In contrast to salivary a local chromocenter and Rable-orientation of chromosomes were shown to be missing from the PNC nuclei. The pericentric regions were scattered in the nuclear space and were obliged to attach to the NE by specific loci of heterochromatin. These loci were assigned to the regions 20CD and 41, and the proximal regions 81 and 101 of the cytological map of secondary polytene chromosomes. Each of the loci, which was obliged to attach to the NE, had a specific morphology that was similar in the otu11 and fs(2)B strains. PNC were shown to resemble normal ovarian nurse cells of D. melanogaster in the position of the polytene chromosomes and their attachment to the NE. Issue  2
Month  Feb

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