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Publication : Myoblast fusion in Drosophila melanogaster is mediated through a fusion-restricted myogenic-adhesive structure (FuRMAS).

First Author  Kesper Dörthe Andrea Year  2007
Journal  Dev Dyn Volume  236
Pages  404-15 PubMed ID  17146786
Abstract Text  During myogenesis in Drosophila embryos, a prominent adhesive structure is formed between precursor cells and fusion-competent myoblasts (fcms). Here, we show that Duf/Kirre and its interaction partners Rols7 (found in founder myoblasts and growing myotubes) and Sns (found in fcms) are organized in a ring-structure at the contact points of fcms with precursor cells, while cytoskeletal components like F-actin and Titin are centered in this ring in both cell types. The cytoplasmic protein Blow colocalizes with the actin plugs in fcms after cell adhesion. Furthermore, the requirement of additional as yet unidentified components was demonstrated by using mammalian C2C12 myoblasts. In this study, we propose that the fusion-restricted myogenic-adhesive structure (FuRMAS) is pivotal in linking cell adhesion as well as local F-actin assembly and dynamics to downstream events that ultimately lead to plasma membrane fusion. Moreover, we suggest that the FuRMAS may restrict the area of membrane breakdown. Doi  10.1002/dvdy.21035
Issue  2 Month  Feb

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