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Publication : Functional analysis of regulatory elements controlling the expression of the ecdysone-regulated Drosophila ng-1 gene.

First Author  Crispi S Year  2001
Journal  Mech Dev Volume  100
Pages  25-35 PubMed ID  11118881
Abstract Text  The steroid hormone ecdysone controls multiple aspects of insect development, including larval moults and metamorphosis, and can induce specific genetic responses in different tissues. The definition of the molecular mechanisms able to mediate this tissue-specific responsiveness may greatly contribute to understanding how such an accurate genetic response is achieved. In this work we have identified, by transgenic analysis, the regulatory elements directing the expression of ng-1, an ecdysone-regulated Drosophila gene showing a highly specific developmental expression profile. Our results show that an ecdysone-responsive element located within the ng-1 coding region is necessary for high-level gene expression, whereas the gene's spatial and temporal expression profile is fully controlled by a distinct upstream regulatory region. This region binds a set of transcriptional factors, including the FKH regulatory protein, which can potentially modulate the ecdysone genetic regulated response. Doi  10.1016/s0925-4773(00)00498-6
Issue  1 Month  Jan

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