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Publication : Functional screening in Drosophila reveals the conserved role of REEP1 in promoting stress resistance and preventing the formation of Tau aggregates.

First Author  Appocher Chiara Year  2014
Journal  Hum Mol Genet Volume  23
Pages  6762-72 PubMed ID  25096240
Abstract Text  Pathological modifications in the microtubule-associated protein Tau is a common characteristic observed in different neurological diseases, suggesting that analogous metabolic pathways might be similarly affected during neurodegeneration. To identify these molecules and mechanisms, we utilized Drosophila models of human Tau-mediated neurodegeneration to perform an RNA interference functional screening against genes considered to be implicated in the pathogenesis of different neurodegenerative disorders. We found that the downregulation of the Drosophila REEP1 homolog protein enhanced Tau toxicity with increased formation of insoluble aggregates. On the contrary, the overexpression of either the Drosophila or the human REEP1 protein was able to revert these phenotypes and promote neuronal resistance to ER stress. These studies identify a new function for the REEP1 protein in vivo and a novel cellular mechanism to prevent Tau toxicity. Doi  10.1093/hmg/ddu393
Issue  25 Month  Dec

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