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Publication : JAK-STAT signaling in stem cells and their niches in Drosophila.

First Author  Bausek Nina Year  2013
Journal  JAKSTAT Volume  2
Pages  e25686 PubMed ID  24069566
Abstract Text  JAK-STAT signaling is a highly conserved regulator of stem cells and their niches. Aberrant activation in hematopoietic stem cells is the underlying cause of a majority of myeloproliferative diseases. This review will focus on the roles of JAK-STAT activity in three different adult stem cell systems in Drosophila. Tightly controlled levels of JAK-STAT signaling are required for stem cell maintenance and self-renewal, as hyperactivation of the pathway is associated with stem cell overproliferation. JAK-STAT activity is further essential for anchoring the stem cells in their respective niches by regulating different adhesion molecules. Doi  10.4161/jkst.25686
Issue  3 Month  Jul

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