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Publication : Chromosome-mediated transfer of the murine Na,K-ATPase alpha subunit confers ouabain resistance.

First Author  Fallows D Year  1987
Journal  Mol Cell Biol Volume  7
Pages  2985-7 PubMed ID  2823111
Abstract Text  We transferred murine NIH 3T3 metaphase chromosomes into monkey CV-1 cells to investigate the different ouabain sensitivities of rodent and primate cells. In 16 ouabain-resistant transferents, the mouse Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 subunit gene was detected, suggesting that structural differences between the rodent and primate alpha 1 subunits determine the different ouabain sensitivities. Doi  10.1128/mcb.7.8.2985-2987.1987
Issue  8 Month  Aug

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