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Publication : Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the monkey and human tissue kallikrein genes.

First Author  Lin F K Year  1993
Journal  Biochim Biophys Acta Volume  1173
Pages  325-8 PubMed ID  7916636
Abstract Text  Cynomolgus monkey renal kallikrein cDNA and genomic human tissue kallikrein gene were cloned. The monkey gene encodes a 257 amino acid (aa) preprokallikrein and exhibits 95% and 92% homology to the human at nucleotide (nt) and aa level, respectively. The monkey gene encodes a 233-aa mature kallikrein versus a 238-aa in human. The human kallikrein gene and urinary kallikrein both contain a Lys-162 instead of the reported Glu-162. Human, monkey and rat renal/pancreatic kallikrein genes evolve with a N-glycosylation containing domain (aa 81-87) which is absent in porcine and is non-glycosylable in mice. Only human kallikrein evolves with an additional Thr-108 and with a N-glycosylation site at aa-141. Doi  10.1016/0167-4781(93)90131-v
Issue  3 Month  Jun

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