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Publication : Prostatic secretory protein PSP94: gene organization and promoter sequence in rhesus monkey and human.

First Author  Nolet S Year  1991
Journal  Biochim Biophys Acta Volume  1089
Pages  247-9 PubMed ID  2054385
Abstract Text  As part of an effort to determine the molecular basis of the prostate-specificity of PSP94, a prostatic secretory protein of 94 amino acids, we have characterized its gene in Rhesus monkey and in human. In both species, the 18 kb gene is organized in four exons and three introns. The sequence of the 0.8 kb promoter region is highly homologous (93.8%) between the two species. A conserved steroid-hormone responsive element was identified in this region, and an estrogen-responsive element in the first intron, suggesting possible regulation of this gene by sex hormones. Doi  10.1016/0167-4781(91)90016-f
Issue  2 Month  Jun

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