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Publication : Sequence and expression of the cDNA for MEP (major excreted protein), a transformation-regulated secreted cathepsin.

First Author  Troen B R Year  1987
Journal  Biochem J Volume  246
Pages  731-5 PubMed ID  3689328
Abstract Text  The major excreted protein (MEP) of malignantly transformed mouse fibroblasts is a secreted thiol proteinase. Sequencing of the MEP cDNA shows the coding region for the protein to be identical with the sequence for a mouse cysteine proteinase isolated from macrophages, but the MEP cDNA is polyadenylated at a different site in the 3' non-coding region. Strong homology of MEP with human cathepsin L suggests that MEP is the mouse analogue of cathepsin L. Amino acid sequencing of the N-terminus of the secreted form of MEP indicates that, during secretion, the polypeptide is cleaved between amino acids 17 and 18. We have placed the MEP cDNA in a eukaryotic expression vector and demonstrated the production of the 39 kDa polypeptide form of mouse MEP in monkey CV-1 cells. Doi  10.1042/bj2460731
Issue  3 Month  Sep

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